Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sleeping Beauty: Habits You Should Be Doing Every Night

Hello beautiful people! It turns out that your body can do serious work for you while you sleep -- you just have to give it a little help along the way. Try one or all of these treatments to wake up looking refreshed and gorgeous!

Say goodnight to your phone
 Whether you are catching up with your bestie or saying sweet dreams to you BF, end the conversation BEFORE you complete the rest of your nightly routine. It's best to put your phone away 1 hour before bed.If you think about it, there are zillions of germs on your phone that build up throughout the day. The last thing you need is to put those germs back onto your face. Sleeping on not-so tidy sheets and pillows can have similar effects, so make sure to tidy up your space and ditch those electronics before bed.

Remove your makeup-- all of it. For real.
Unless you have a minimal beauty routine, makeup removal isn't just a swipe of a cotton ball across your eyes. Make sure you remove ALL of your makeup, even if you feel like you can't stay up another second ( your skin will thank you). Not cleaning your face will lead to breakouts and blemishes as early as the next day ( I'd rather not ). A make-up remover is not a cure for a bedtime-ready face; make sure to clean your face also.  Try using a cleansing wipe first, like Olay Sensitive Wet Cleansing Cloths before giving it a second wash with a gentle cleanser like PHILOSOPHY: Purity Made Simple .

Moisturize your face (and body)
Evenings are a time of renewal for skin -- there's a reason for all those night creams on the market. While you sleep, skin regenerates and heals itself, so never skip moisturizer. To counteract the imbalances of modern life, boost your skins nightly recovery process with LANCĂ´ME BIENFAIT MULTI-VITAL NIGHT .
Moisturizing should not stop at your face. To help the rest of your body to renew itself while you catch some Zzz's... apply a body butter or daily moisturizer like AVEENO DAILY MOISTURIZING LOTION .

Brush and floss
It goes without saying that no woman wants yellow teeth, cavities, or bad breath, yet not every woman follows this important step every night either.If you skip flossing every once in a while it is ok ( not don't make it a habit). If you skip brushing your teeth, your dinner will sit on your teeth all night...EW! For an easy DIY whitening treatment, try brushing some baking soda on your teeth before bed. Leave the mixture on your teeth for no more than 5 minutes and make sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards. This is a perfect PM beauty treatment because normally you would have to wait 50 minutes before drinking or eating. TIP: only do this once a week because baking soda can wear down the enamel if, used everyday.

Prevent wrinkles
Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase can cause creases on your skin and create wrinkles. Instead, pamper yourself by investing in a silk or satin one. It will lessen the pressure on your skin and help prevent hair breakage.

If you constantly wake up with puffy, swollen eyes, try this simple trick: add a an extra pillow and sleep on your back. This will allow for the fluids around your eyes to drain easier and keep puffiness to a minimum.  Don't forget an eye cream. Look for creams that list caffeine as one of the top ingredients-- it will keep the fluids moving. Try First Aid Beauty Eye Duty Triple Remedy .

Lengthen Lashes
Give your lashes some love with a DIY lengthening treatment. The secret ingredient? Vaseline. Vaseline moisturizes the lashes and prevents breakage. Put some Vaseline on a  cotton swab and then apply to lashes like mascara. In the morning, just rinse with warm water and wash your face as usual. You will see results in just a week!

For a pampering overnight treatment, try rubbing Vaseline on the soles of your feet and put on socks before you sleep. The socks will bind the moisture to your feet and you'll wake up with silky, smooth feet in the morning.

Get 8 hours of sleep
Catching a good night's sleep can really effect the way you look. Sleep can reduce dark circles. An inadequate amount of sleep can also cause your skin to look pale and tired because of a lack of circulation in the face.

Take time to unwind
This is probably the most-skipped step in our nightly rituals because it can't be rushed, but taking time to relax and de-stress is vital for health and beauty. Make sure to unplug for 30 minutes before you hit the hay, and you'll wake up looking and feeling beautiful and refreshed.


Maria Elizabeth

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